And they’re back! I received my first rolls of film, and I can’t tell you all how excited I am! I haven’t used film in years, so trust me when I say I literally fell in love all over again. These images may not feel like much or seem to be anything spectacular, but they are. They’re the beginning of another photographic journey.
The idea of the first rolls was just to capture images around the house. You know these images were supposed to be of “stuff” I see every day. I’m digging it. I actually want to use another roll of film to document my daily life on film. There is much beauty in the day-to-day parts of our life.
I’m hitting the road soon, and there are a few spots along I-45 South that I would LOVE to get on film. Depending on the time of day I’m driving, I may be able to do such a thing. Wish me luck!
Oh yeah, here’s a few of my images from the Rolliecord (120 medium format film) and the Canon A1 35mm.