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Writer's pictureGwendolyn Houston Jack

Isabel's Senior Session

Being a portrait artist is truly a blessing. I genuinely enjoy being invited to capture the best of people. It’s an honor to be part of telling someone’s story. As an educator, working with these young people is such an inspiration. Celebrating these young people is necessary, and I’m happy to do that. With all of that said, I am proud to introduce the G Photography community to Isabel.

Isabel G. is an outstanding senior who graduated from Duncanville high school this past spring. Persons are so quick to assume athletes do nothing more than play sports. Isabel not only played soccer in high school, but she was also a member of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). FCCLA is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private school through grade 12.

She took several college courses while in high school (why didn’t they offer this when I was in school) and participated in a medical internship for two years. Like most students reaching for the stars, Isabel was a youth government member and graduated with over 120 volunteer hours. Our young people must start servicing our community early to understand her/his impact.

This fall, Isabel will be attending Sam Houston State University. Her declared major is Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. Isabel’s goal is to have a career as a Forensic Pathologist once she graduates from college.

G Photography wishes Isabel all the best this fall and all the future college semesters to come. Something tells me she is going to be a force to be reckoned with! We're sharing just a few of her images from her session below. If you are ready to create senior portraits celebrating your achievements, send a note: book a session.

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